Chincoteague Ponies
The famed annual Pony Swim, Auction, and Carnival began in 1925, after two fires devastated Chincoteague's growing downtown in 1920 and 1924. Twenty-five men came together to organize the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company with a goal to purchase a 750-gallon capacity fire truck and enough hose to keep the island safe. In order to pay for this equipment, the firemen held their first carnival which included a “Pony Penning Day” where they swam their ponies grazing on nearby Assateague Island, VA across the Assateague Channel to Chincoteague Island for auction. It is said 15,000 spectators attended. The auction proceeds were used as the initial payment on the equipment. This tradition has continued on the last Wednesday and Thursday in July for all these years to benefit the fire company and the Chincoteague Ponies, which were named the Official Pony of the Commonwealth of Virginia in 2023.
Pony Swim became known around the world when it was featured in the award-winning children's novel, Misty of Chincoteague, written by Marguerite Henry in 1946, and the movie, Misty, that followed in 1961. Both have contributed greatly to making Chincoteague Island the tourism destination it is today and Pony Swim a huge economic driver for the island.
The event, which was the 2017 Winner of Virginia Restaurant, Lodging, & Travel Association ‘Ordinary Award’ for Attraction of the Year, brings thousands of locals and guests from around the world to the shores of Veterans Memorial Park and Pony Swim Lane to watch saltwater cowboys lead the world-famous Chincoteague Ponies into the water to make their annual swim. Charter boats and kayaks filled with eager onlookers line the Assateague Channel creating a pathway for the ponies as they make their yearly swim from shore to shore.
Pony Penning is a full week of events beginning with the South Herd Roundup the Saturday prior to the Swim and also includes the North Herd Roundup, Beach Walk, Vet Checks, Buyback Selection, Pony Swim, Auction, and Swim Back. This year, the annual Carnival will be open 16 nights, including two with spectacular firework displays.
"Pony Penning is a magical time of year, steeped in rich tradition. It is a homecoming for those who grew up here or have been attending for years, and a bucket list item for those attending for the first time," said Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce & Certified Visitor Center Executive Director, Joanne Moore. "This year promises to be even more memorable as the fire company and community are planning special events to commemorate this one-hundred-year milestone. We are honored and delighted to have Pony Swim featured on one of the 2025 Virginia Travel Guide covers to kick off this year of celebration."
Now is the perfect time to plan your 100th Annual Pony Penning experience as the Pony Swim and Auction are scheduled for July 30 & 31, 2025. Plan your trip of a lifetime at and view the 2025 Chincoteague Island Visitor Guide & Membership Directory online or request a print guide today. The official Pony Penning schedule with details about each event is available at and be sure to visit our events page or download the Chincoteague App to learn about all events taking place during this special time or year-round on the island.
Please help us protect one of Chincoteague & Assateague Island's greatest gifts - the Chincoteague Ponies.
When observing the Chincoteague Ponies while kayaking, canoeing, boating, touring, biking, walking, etc. please respect the following rules to keep you and the wild ponies safe.
- PLEASE keep a distance of at least 50 feet from the wild ponies.
- PLEASE do not feed the wild ponies. If you feed them anything other than the diet they are used to, it can cause severe colic and possibly kill them. The ponies can also bite, so feeding them items from their natural diet is also prohibited.
- PLEASE do not approach the wild ponies. They will bite and kick, especially if a foal is with its mare. Stallions are even more aggressive.
The Chincoteague Ponies may seem very docile while grazing in the marsh or along side the road but following these simple rules will keep you and the ponies safe. We know you love the Chincoteague Ponies but PLEASE love them from a distance and respect their home and natural habitat. Brochures with the above rules are available in the Chamber office courtesy of the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company.
jULY 30 & 31, 2025
Pony Swim Experience Blog
Pony Event Schedule
Download The 2024 Pony Shuttle Map Only
Pony Swim Event & Shuttle Packets will be available at the Chamber Office, 6733 Maddox Boulevard,
the week prior to the Swim! Stop by and see us!
For almost 100 years, we have held our Pony Penning and Carnival to the delight of visitors from around the world. At "slack tide" on the last Wednesday before the last Thursday of every July, Chincoteague's "Saltwater Cowboys" herd the wild Chincoteague ponies from Assateague Island, across the Assateague Channel, to neighboring Chincoteague Island. After the swim, the ponies "parade" to the carnival grounds where the foals are auctioned on the last Thursday of July. On Friday, the adult ponies will make the return swim to Assateague Island where they will live in the wild for another year.