My name is Alex Benitez. Anchor’s Rest Photography is a business born of a passion for all things photography beginning with my mother’s Kodak Brownie camera. Impatient with the turnaround-time of film to prints, my father bought a Polaroid Land Camera when they first came on the market. The magical process of self-developing photography captured me! With more years than I care to count of experience in the science and art of photography, my journey has taken me from the pungent fumes of developing black and white film and prints in a darkroom to the seemingly limitless possibilities of digital editing in Lightroom.

I specialize in landscapes and wildlife photography, with more than the occasional aviation and sports-related image working their way into my portfolio. What started as youthful chemistry experiments has evolved into a professional photography business, dedicated to capturing the observed, yet often unseen beauty in our world.

At Anchor’s Rest Photography, my mission is to provide unique, high-quality images that enhance your memory of time spent in the area, in a variety of classic and contemporary formats. I hope my images not only capture an instant in time, but also evoke lasting memories. 

Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey. Please visit my Facebook, Instagram, and X pages and website for updates, special offers, and a showcase of my latest work.  

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